Cool and Sturdy Helmet for the Ladies | BERRY BLOG | ON LIFE AND MONEY MAKING

Friday, September 2, 2011

Cool and Sturdy Helmet for the Ladies

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Motorcycles are in! With traffic plus the economic problem, people are turning to motorcycles, instead of buying a car.

Buying a motorcycle saves you money since it's cheaper than a car. But you have to know that riding a motorcycle needs more precautions than riding a car. You would need protective gears from head to toe. Well, at least wear a helmet.

To the ladies, although cuteness of a helmet makes our eyes drool and buy them, we should look into the fact that safety first when it comes to helmet.

A helmet should be sturdy enough to protect our head, our whole head, not just part of the upper head.

Cuteness should come only second.

But it would really cool to have a sturdy helmet that would save our life, and yet too cute or cool that can express us.

Here are 4 scorpion exo-700 full face helmets for ladies:

Aren't these helmets so cool?

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