Riding a horse without a saddle... | BERRY BLOG | ON LIFE AND MONEY MAKING

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Riding a horse without a saddle...

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My husband went to China. He called me before the parade and said that "they" would be riding horses on the traditional parade. And he would try to get off the scene by riding a car instead. Some would walk. I asked him why wouldn't he ride a horse, because I think it would be fun to ride a horse on a parade. "Tut tut tut..." I heard on my mobile phone. I guess he had used up all his mobile credits.

When he came back, midnight, he opened the TV and DVD player, inserted a CD and made me watch the parade and the party. Then I saw his relatives from the Philippines riding horses. It looks like fun! But he said that those who rode the horses were sending him mobile text message saying that it kinda hurt and feels uneasy because there's no saddle on the horses. And looking at the video, there's not much horse tack/equipment on the horse. The riders were even holding a red flag during the parade. That all makes my husband want to either walk or drive a car and be on the tail of the parade.

On such events, when there are lots on contributed money involved, I hope the organizers had at least prepared the horses with a saddle, or an english horse tack which would make the guests from other countries feel comfortable while riding on the horses. Because they are the guests on the parade.

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