Something I learned after meeting girls fatter than me... | BERRY BLOG | ON LIFE AND MONEY MAKING

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Something I learned after meeting girls fatter than me...

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There would always be people who would look down on you.  Family, relative, classmates, friends, you name it!  About people who you really don't know and look down on you, you would usually just ignore them.  But if you know the person who look down on you, then that hurts, right?

I am talking about people who look down on me, or insult me because I am fat.  They may be fat too, or maybe they are sexy or thin, but they love insulting people.

I always here that I am fat.  There is this ---- and ---- who love to insult me because I am fat.  I gave birth.  Is that a problem?  Are they perfect?  No they are not perfect.  The two of them have a common manner... loves insulting people.  Even as a kid, I knew they are that.  ---- and ---- know each other.  And I guess, water is thicker than blood for ----.

Blind item above!!!

But I met someone, a buyer of mind.  She is fat, really fat.  But she wear clothes that makes her look good and sexy.  She's so cute I so envy her.  I don't envy her in a bad way, but let's just say she becomes my idol.  I tried buying new clothes (shopping!) and look good on me.  I am very satisfied.  A lot of guys are courting me now.  I am not joking.  Even if I am already married, and those guys know I got kids, they are trying to court me.  They might be thinking something about me.  But the thing is, there are people who think I am still lovable  :)

So that's what I learned.  Never let anyone kill your self-esteem.  Let them say what they want.  It's either they envy you without them knowing, or they just love to insult other people.

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