Nationwide Biweekly Administration | BERRY BLOG | ON LIFE AND MONEY MAKING

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Nationwide Biweekly Administration

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Have you ever lend money from your credit card or on your bank? Have you ever thought of minimizing the loan you pay monthly by making another loan from another credit card or bank, just to make your monthly bill small? But this technique would make your loan bigger. You might even end up doubling the money you owe to all the banks involved, simply because you choose to pay the monthly bill in smaller amount.

Believe me, that actually happened to me. And I just close my eyes and tell myself that it's a pain paying a big amount every month, so I need to make my monthly bill smaller for the sake of convenience and worry-free payment. But I do know that I would really be paying a total of larger amount, almost double, just to get through all that.

But what about people with mortgage? What about those who are really in need of money and are really having a hard time paying. What about those who shops on signature items and almost forgot that they can't actually afford to buy those items, that they thought the credit card will kind of "help" them?

Enter Nationwide Biweekly Administration. This company, no matter what, would help one cut the interest on your debt. In short, you would be paying a lesser interest than you know and on what you had expected. As what Nationwide Biweekly Administration said, they work for you, not for the lender.

A plus on them, this company was featured in Oprah.

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