Before using anything on your baby... | BERRY BLOG | ON LIFE AND MONEY MAKING

Monday, June 23, 2008

Before using anything on your baby...

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I should have posted this a long time ago, even before I am pregnant. But I always forgot to do so. Anyway, I'd just like to tell all people to try and check all things first before using it to your baby.

I'm talking about baby wipes. May it be branded or not, may it says it's soft and gentle, please use the wipes first on yours.

Giggles is a good baby wipes. And so is Pigeon and Wet Ones. As far as I'm concerned, Johnson's and Johnson's baby wipes is not mild on skin. I've been using baby wipes when I go to comfort room when I'm not at home. And the Johnson's baby wipes does feels irritating after wiping it. It just felt like there's a soap or something, and it's really irritating. Eventhough they say that it's mild on baby's skin, IT'S REALLY IRRITATING!

I love Johnson's products, but not the baby wipes.

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